Travelling Wave Lon Mobility Assisted Duty Cycle Enhancements for Targeted and Non-Targeted Proteomi
The average duty cycle of Time of Flight analysers is dependant on the m/z data acquisition range but the integration of......
SILAC-based quantitative schemas employ in vivo incorporation of an isotopic label into proteins for LC-MS based quantit......
Electrochemical-assistance for Electron Transfer Dissociation Ion Mobility MS of Peptides and Protei
Protein characterization using intact tandem mass spectrometry approaches can be challenged by the presence of disulfide......
Mass spectrometry is the most commonly used technology for the determination and characterization of environmental conta......
Ion mobility analysis is a well-known analytical technique for identifying gas-phase compounds in fast-response gas-moni......
Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Characterizati
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry(UPLC-IM-TOFMS),integrating tra......